Callie has been well cared for and loved her entire life. Unfortunately, a change in the family’s circumstances have forced them to ask Airedale Rescue to find Callie a new loving home.
Callie is a healthy, happy, energetic 6 year old, 61 lb., spayed, Airedale girl. She is up to date on all vaccinations and microchipped. She has lived with a male Labrador retriever most of her life and her dad says she is the star of the dog park. She will play with any size dog – she bows her front down while wagging trying to get anyone to run with her.
Callie has not done well with cats when she met them in the past.
Callie is currently in the Phoenix, Arizona, area (Chandler). If you are interested in adopting Callie, please complete the Southwest Airedale Terrier Rescue online application form. If you have already submitted an application, contact us to let us know you are interested in Callie of Arizona. We do not ship our dogs.
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